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Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water coming to PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Switch

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water has been confirmed for both the Sony PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch, with a release date set on 28th October 2021.

As is typical in this series where all gameplay takes place using only the camera lens as your weapon, players will be thrust into an otherworldly realm to do battle against evil spirits that are possessing humans. The spooky story of 2014 Wii U title has been enhanced for the modern era. That includes a Photo Mode, which is understandable given that it takes place in an age where cameras are widely used. (Read: 4 tech horror stories to keep you up at night)

The new PS5 and PS4 versions of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water come with even more content for horror fans. The Digital Deluxe Edition will include some extra costumes, skins, and accessories inspired by previous entries in the series as well as a special skin based on Ryza from the Atelier Ryza franchise. Pre-order early or buy within two weeks of launch if you want both bonus items.

KOEI Tecmo’s press release states: “Players will step into the shoes of Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo, and Miu Hinasaki as they venture up the eerie Mt. Hikami in hopes of finding those who have previously disappeared. In order to overcome the malevolent spirits housed in the mountain’s waters, they will have to master the Camera Obscura – a unique camera that can deal damage to ghosts upon taking a photo. Each successful shot will cause a spirit to emit Spirit Fragments and if players are able to capture an image of the ghost and these mysterious fragments in the same frame, they will unleash a high-damage Fatal Frame attack.”

Other details on Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, including a release date, have yet to be revealed. In the meantime, check out the trailer below.

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